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Kaleb Beebout

A collection of bite-sized thoughts.

<aside> 💡 I will continue to update this collection as I have free time.


4/13/2022: First impressions and gut instincts are right more often than they are wrong on an expected value adjusted basis.

4/14/2022: Success begins and ends with selling, much to the chagrin of my formal engineering education. I suspect most evidence to the contrary are simply outliers + coincidence. Now, the path between the beginning and the end (if there is an ‘end’) can include any permutation of skills—but sales will always bookend the journey.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/9cf31d2b-1a09-4a6e-be20-52b8803327af/vzlb.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/9cf31d2b-1a09-4a6e-be20-52b8803327af/vzlb.png" width="40px" /> Thank you for reading today!

Substack: @beebout

Twitter: @kalebbeebout

LinkedIn: in/kbeebout

Copyright Kaleb Beebout 2022 | Vizlab**Ventures | Contact Author**


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